If you believe your item to be faulty, we will happily provide an assessment of garments up to 12 months from the date of purchase.

If you made your original purchase through our online store, you may return it to us for the item to be assessed. We will refund or replace manufacturing faults in accordance with our policy below. However, we reserve the right to reject or repair where applicable.

 Our policy states that:

  • Any faulty garments must be viewed and assessed by our head of quality control before determining an outcome.
  • We will happily provide an assessment of garments up to 12 months from the date of purchase.
  • Assessment can take up to 14 days, and cannot be done on the spot.
  • Due to OH&S, all worn garments must be washed before being submitted for assessment.

If you believe your online purchase is faulty, please email customer care at customercare@nobodydenim.com with a full description of the fault, your order number, and any photos for our team to assess.

If you have purchased from a stockist, the 12 month warranty period from the date of purchase still applies, however we ask you to follow our Stockist Return policy