What is your name, age and profession?
Dakota Moore, Age 24, Model and Professional Dancer.
Jesse Lizotte, Age 29, Photographer
Where did you grow up ? Where do you usually live ? Where are you currently living ?
Dakota: I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona and moved to NYC as a teenager.
Jesse: I grew up in NYC and Sydney. We usually live in New York but we’re currently living in Sydney.

Can you tell us a bit about the shoot location and how you ended up there ?
Jesse: We shot the photo’s down in the kangaroo valley. We both just wanted to get off the grid and switch our phones off for a minute!
Is there anywhere else in Australia you’d like to travel to during this time ?
Jesse: Yes, we are planning a road trip to Byron Bay. We would also love to go to Rottnest island and explore western Australia.
Is there anywhere else you’re considered travelling to for a weekend away ?
Jesse: New Zealand would be an amazing place to get away for the weekend.

How have you been keeping busy during this time ? Have your professions changed at all and if, so how ?
Dakota: I have been keeping busy by taking online dance classes and keeping in touch with my family through Facetime. I am blessed to be here in Australia where jobs in our industry have been able to resume more recently. I have also done some shoots with clients overseas via zoom which is becoming a new normal.
Jesse: I’ve been taking this time to confront things I’ve been putting off because I didn’t have the time! Finishing reading books I had started, revisiting old photos, organising my archives, and planning future projects I’d love to work on once the world opens again. When we first resumed work again after everything had happened, there were new protocols and guidelines we had to adopt on set such as distancing, smaller crews and wearing face masks etc. It feels to me now at least, that this is the new norm. I have also been working with clients overseas via zoom which at first had some teething issues!

What or who are you inspired by?
Dakota: I am inspired by the women in my life. I have a wonderful tribe of strong queens who uplift me and help me strive to be the best I can and set the bar higher for myself.
Jesse: I am inspired by the world around me, the people I meet from all walks of life, our differences and seeing the beauty in them. I find inspiration in a lot of things - My mother and her amazing cooking, my father and his incredible work ethic and creative output, my talented sister, my friends Todd and Chrissy who have just finished an epic project with Harley Davidson.
What are you driven by ?
Dakota: I am driven by always trying to be the best version of myself and reaching my full potential. I think ones legacy is determined by how you made people feel and the impact that you had on their lives. I strive to make people feel good and inspire them with grace and kindness.
Jesse: I have to say also being the best version of myself and continuing to facilitate growth on my journey. My ethos is pretty simple, don’t be a dick in life and create some beautiful things before you die!
What’s important to you right now ?
Dakota: Having conversations about the racial injustices that the black and indigenous communities have faced is very important to me. Educating people on systematic racism and the abuse our communities have faced including police brutality and prejudice in the work place is vital. More over, tokenism and lack of diversity is rife in the fashion industry and its an important conversation to have.
Jesse: Right now important conversations on the modern day lynchings and killings of black bodies is most important. These injustices have been perpetuated for a long time and being an ally is very important to me. Silence is consent so I am having the hard conversations and using my voice to stand up for whats right. I have always advocated for diverse and inclusive casting and will continue to do so in the fashion industry, where there is still a lot of progress to be made.

What are three of your favourite songs ?
Dakota: Right now my top three are: Savage Remix(feat. Beyonce), Inner City Blues(Marvin Gaye), and Slide( H.E.R)
Jesse: Depends what period of my life were talking about or how I’m feeling at any given time but if I’m speaking broadly I’d have to say: Love Song - Rihanna and Future, What’s Going On - Marvin Gaye, Big Take Over - Bad Brains.
What is your favourite smell ?
Dakota: My favourite smell is my Mum's soul food.
Jesse: I love the smell of the ocean.
What would you like to do more of ?
Dakota: I would like to travel more when the world opens up.
Jesse: Sleeping in late.
What would you like to do less of ?
Dakota: I would like to do less worrying and be more present.
Jesse: I want to do less mindless scrolling on my phone.
Advice for the younger version of you ?
Dakota: Always listen to your intuition and trust yourself. If you don’t push and believe in yourself no one will.
Jesse: Radically accepts yourself. Not everyone is going to like you and its usually not personal.
In 10 years time where would you like to be and what would you like to be doing ?
Dakota: I am living in the present. I hope to continue living with purpose and passion.
Jesse: I would like to continue pursuing what I love and I hope to be happy and healthy.
How would you describe your partner?
Dakota: I would describe Jesse as thoughtful, sensitive, and extremely artistic.
Jesse: Ethereal beauty, intimidatingly intelligent, someone with an immense capacity to feel and give, and vivacious with a sense of humour to rival my own which often errs on the side of immature!
What are their best qualities ?
Dakota: Jesse is profound in the sense of his attention to detail and ability to listen. Its rare to find people who listen without trying to think of their rebuttal immediately and he is so present. He has an undeniable gift of capturing peoples essence through his photos and inspires me to do what I want with out fear or judgement. He has both of his feet on the ground and is kind but also dares to dream with his head in the clouds and heart full of passion and gratitude.
Jesse: Dakota is the most even keeled and cool person I’ve ever met and I think that's why I was able to immediately find solace in her. She’s incredibly comfortable in her own skin and emotionally intelligent and I find that so attractive. I love that she is so down to earth and has such a clear eyed perspective on what matters most in life, she would do anything for the ones she loves.
What is the most unique thing about them ?
Dakota: He expresses himself through other people and their stories. Jesse uniquely shows himself through the photos he takes of individuals and I think thats beautiful.
Jesse: She’s a dancer and the way that her body can be a vessel for expression through movement is amazing.
Finally, where did you meet and how long have you been together?
Jesse: We met in Washington square park in NYC through mutual friends. We have been together for a year.